900Pay - Playtech Bingo Banking alternative method
900Pay FAQs
What is 900pay?
Who can use 900pay?
What is 900pay?
Deposit funds to your ECash Direct account with Basic 900pay.
Basic 900pay is a secure, hassle-free method of deposit offering a simple payment system that charges the deposit to your phone bill - no credit card or bank account required.
There are no hidden fees or long-distance charges when using Basic 900pay.
All Basic 900pay charges will appear on your phone bill as "NAVAHONTWRKS".
Who can use 900pay?
900pay is currently available for US users only with US Dollar bank accounts in the United States.
For 900pay you must ensure there is no 900-service block on your phoneline.
To test toll-free, call 1-900-993-4141 to determine whether you can get through to 900-numbers.
If 900-calls are blocked on your line, contact your service provider to have this removed. (You do not need to do this for TeleBuy).